1. An initial preview of over 45 feature-length films - Hofer Filmtage
7 okt 2024 · The film is an ode to resilience, an ode to life. JENSEITS DES RECHTS, Director: Dominik Graf, Germany 2024. Inspector Cris Blohm and her ...
The 58th Hof International Film Festival opens on October 22, 2024 under the motto “Good things happen in cinema”. The journey begins in the darkness of the movie theater, you start to dream or you let yourself be whisked away to faraway places. This year's spectrum of films shows a variety of topics that directors and filmmakers are dealing with. The confrontation with reality often plays a role: life stories in the private sphere or the examination of current social issues. It is about solidarity and respect in times of global and social challenges, about toxic relationships, about the search for identity and finding love, closeness and humanity. It often plays with different genres, from romantic movies to comedies, from thrillers to mysteries, which again provide inspiration for new thoughts and ideas.
2. Emmanuel Macron: beyond the political right and left
Emmanuel Macron defines sovereignty as European and according to the latest polls, which underline the rise of Macron's popularity just four months before ...
Emmanuel Macron defines sovereignty as European and according to the latest polls, which underline the rise of Macron’s popularity just four months before the presidential elections in France, this strategy might be the right one to win the elections. In an article for Der Spiegel, Henrik Enderlein explains why Macron’s political agenda is also a good chance for Europe to gain momentum.

3. Review of European Administrative Law (REALaw) - Uitgeverij Paris
Constitutionalisation constitutes a common phenomenon of European administrative legal orders, and also EU administrative law is increasingly influenced by ...
The relationship between general administrative law and constitutional law is fraught with tension. Whilst, at the end of the 1950s, Fritz Werner still considered the orientation of administrative law towards the Basic Law (Grundgesetz) as auspicious (‘administrative law as concretised constitutional law’),F. Werner, ‘Verwaltungsrecht als konkretisiertes Verfassungsrecht’ [1959] DVBl. 527 (528f.). it was only a short time later that constitutionally-founded demands (some of which were realised) to strengthen the statutory reservation in administrative law found themselves confronted with the accusation of ‘boundless constitutional purism’,H. Schneider, ‘Über den Beruf unserer Zeit für Gesetzgebung’ [1962] NJW 1273 (1275). and these are reservations which continue to reverberate to the present day in the critique of constitutionalisation.Breuer, ‘Konkretisierungen des Rechtstaats- und Demokratiegebotes’, in: E. Schmidt-Aßmann (Ed.), Festgabe 50 Jahre Bundesverwaltungsgericht (Köln: Heymann 2003), 223 (224); further Badura, ‘Verwaltungsrecht im Umbruch’, in: Z. Kitagawa & J. Murakami & K.W. Nörr & T. Oppermann & H. Shiono (Ed.), Das Recht vor den Herausforderungen eines neuen Jahrhunderts: Erwartungen in Japan und Deutschland (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 1998), 147 (157ff.); Möllers, ‘Methoden’, in: W. Hoffmann-Riem & E. Schmidt-Aßmann & A. Voßkuhle (Ed.), GVwR I (2nd edition München: Beck 2012), § 3 para. 13; Schönberger, ‘Verwaltungsrecht als konkretisiertes Verfassungsrecht’, in:...
4. News - Heppeler Agency
Polizeiruf 110: Jenseits des Rechts. The film will premiere on 25 October 2024 at the 58th Hof International Film Festival. The case of a dead young man ...
Heppeler Agency
5. Dr. D. (Daniel) Loick - Universiteit van Amsterdam
I am Associate Professor of Political and Social Philosophy at UvA as well as Associated Researcher with the Institute for Social Research (Frankfurt).
D. Loick. Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Capaciteitsgroep Philosophy and Public Affairs. Oude Turfmarkt 145. Kamernummer: 2.04B.
6. [PDF] Die EU-Produkthaftungs-RL 2024: Der „final compromise text“
Der finale Text der künftigen EU-Produkthaftungsregeln steht: Am 24.1.2024 hat der Europäische Rat den von ihm als „final compromise.
7. Race to the Future? From Artificial Intelligence to Abundant Imagination
29 okt 2024 · Referentin. Prof. Dr. Ruha Benjamin (Princeton University) · Datum und Zeit. 29. Oktober 2024, 16:15 - 18:00 · Ort. Rämistrasse 71, CH-8001 Zürich ...
8. Juristische Gerechtigkeit - Mohr Siebeck
Thomas Osterkamp, Juristische Gerechtigkeit, Rechtswissenschaft jenseits von Positivismus und Naturrecht [Legal Justice. Jurisprudence beyond Positivism and ...
Is justice a possible subject matter of legal science? For Thomas Osterkamp, this question is linked to the term "legal justice". He is opposed to a strict separation of law and morality and to a remoralization of legal thinking which is not bound to the law.

9. Israel–Gaza Beyond the Concept of Genocide: End Mass Violence ...
21 mrt 2024 · Five months after the Hamas attacks of 7 October 2023 and their ongoing seizure of hostages and the subsequent Israeli military offensive in the ...
German debates about the Israel-Gaza war often get caught up in polarising terminology. This applies in particular to the dispute whether a genocide is occurring. Apart from the legal assessment currently being made by the International Court of Justice, a parallel, polemical discussion about the concept of genocide distracts from actual priorities for action. The war has already cost tens of thousands of lives, and many more Palestinians will die as a direct and indirect consequence of the war. The mass violence against civilians and the destruction of conditions of life in Gaza must end immediately – regardless of whether the legal conditions for genocide are met.

10. [PDF] APuZ 42/2024: Demokratie jenseits von Wahlen
12 okt 2024 · Denn Demokra- tie bedeutet Mitentscheidungsrecht und zugleich Verantwortung im Sinne des. Gemeinwohls. Somit dreht sich ein demokratisches ...
11. Prof. Dr. Dr. hc Anne Peters, LL.M. (Harvard)
... Jenseits der Menschenrechte), paperback edition (2018). Jenseits der Menschenrechte: Die Rechtsstellung des Individuums im Völkerrecht. Mohr Siebeck ...
06 Apr 2024
12. Bonn celebrates Democracy Festival on May 25, 2024 | English website
4 mrt 2024 · On three stages - in the park of Villa Hammerschmidt, in the garden of the BMZ and on United Nations Square - there will be a colorful program ...
Bonn, the city of the Basic Law, is celebrating democracy with a varied and colorful festival on May 25, 2024.

13. Honours Year 2024 - Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
25 jun 2024 · On Wednesday, 3 July 2024, 53 particularly committed and talented students were accepted into the Honours Programme for research-oriented ...
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14. Obituary Michael Becker 1958-2024 - Institute of Political Science and ...
16 mei 2024 · Reine Theorie der Volkssouveränität oder prozeduralistisch halbierte Herrschaft des Rechts? ... Radikale Demokratie dies-seits und jenseits des ...
Our friend and colleague Michael Becker passed away completely unexpectedly and inconceivably on Friday, May 26, 2024. Shortly before, we had discussed his future plans. He would have liked to continue his teaching and research activities even after retirement. It was inconceivable for him to leave academia. His life was too closely linked to it.

15. Germany – Verfassungsblog
Damit meine ich keine unpolitische Extremismusbildung, bei der in der staatsorganisationsrechtlichen Vorlesung die „Feinde“ des liberalen Rechtsstaats mit ...
06 December 2024

16. Schönburger Gespräche zu Recht und Staat - Brill
... des modernen Staates. Volume 10. By: Christian Hillgruber. 978-3-657-76474-7 ... Jenseits und diesseits der Rationalität des Rechts. Volume 1. By: Josef ...
"Schönburger Gespräche zu Recht und Staat" published on 01 Oct 2003 by Brill | Schöningh.

17. Faraway | Core Games | Games | Product line - Pegasus Shop
Entdeckt die Geheimnisse jenseits des Nebelmeers! In Faraway erkunden bis zu sechs Spielerinnen und Spieler ab zehn Jahren den sich ständig verändern…
Entdeckt die Geheimnisse jenseits des Nebelmeers! In Faraway erkunden bis zu sechs Spielerinnen und Spieler ab zehn Jahren den sich ständig…

5 dec 2024 · global election year, 2024. 50 Bernhard ... sondern als Teil des Rechts der öffentlichen Wiedergabe, darf der nationale Gesetzgeber dieses.